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Karan Casey

Rise Up, My Love

Rise up, my love, if you're still in bed lying
Open the door that I might come and recline
By my side I've a bottle that I've brought for your mother
And I hope she'll allow it that you shall be mine

When I rise in the morning and look o'er the way
And I look at the place where I'll spend the long day
The tears fall in streams down my two cheeks like rain
And many's the time that I sigh for that maid

In the thick wooded glen I live there in loneliness
From Sunday to Sunday spending time on my own
The coming and going I watch o'er the road-way
And nothing in this wide world will lift up my heart

Isn't it great for the birds that rise up every morning
And roost with each other on the same bush or spray
But that's not how it is for both me and my true-love
For it's far from each other that we rise every day

Rise Up, My Love de Karan Casey, letra de la canción Rise Up, My Love de Karan Casey. Subir una canción